한반지: http://oneringtrailers.com?m=100698 아이언 피스트 예고편들: http://goo.gl/1qFH7Z 드라마 예고편들: http://goo.gl/70YBfd • 원제: Iron Fist • 미국 방영일: 2017년 3월 17일 (Netflix) • 음악: Apashe - I'm a Dragon http://oneringtrailers.com?s=101374 자막이 안 나올 경우 플레이어 오른쪽 하단의 자막(CC) 버튼을 눌러주세요. 캡션은 옵션에서 기본 자막 색깔, 글꼴, 배경 유무 등을 취향에 맞게 변경하시면 설정이 계속 유지됩니다. 데스크탑에서는 HTML5 대신 플래시로, 모바일 기기에서는 최신 버전의 유튜브 앱으로 시청하시길 권합니다. 요청글에는 확답을 드릴 수 없어 답글을 달지 않으니 양해해주세요. 출처를 적으실 경우 http://oneringtrailers.com 이라고 해주세요. 홈페이지: http://oneringtrailers.com 페이스북: http://facebook.com/oneringtrailers 트위터: http://twitter.com/oneringtrailers 유튜브: http://youtube.com/oneringtrailers 아이언 피스트 공식 예고편 영문 스크립트 Iron Fist Official Trailer English Transcript Hi. I'm Danny Rand. I've been away a long time. Let's go. You don't belong here. I... I'm Danny Rand. Hey, I just wanna talk. Hey! Welcome to Rand Enterprises. I left here, 10-years-old, on a jet with my parents. I became the lone survivor. Danny Rand, back from the dead. Why has he waited this long to show up? How the hell did he learn martial arts? Where did you train? K'un-Lun. My father instilled in me a love and respect for this company that has never faded. This is my home. Rand is my company. This city is no place for Danny Rand. Danny, what happened to you? Why are you really back here? Some bad people have gotten on the inside, criminals. I know what they are and what they can do. To fight them, we need someone with special skills. I've been training my whole life for this. This is my destiny. It's time. I'm going with you. No, you're not. You need me. Change is coming, Danny. Become what you were meant to be. I am the Iron Fist. What the hell does that mean?
