This story centers on Manav, a wealthy and aggressive man, who is deeply possessive of his girlfriend, Shreya. When Shreya, alone at home, invites Manav over for the first time, a misunderstanding between her and Manav's best friend leads Manav, in a fit of rage, to murder both Shreya and his guard. a tale of a possessive boyfriend #shorts #shortfilms #drama #cheater #relationships #hindimovies #hindifullmovies #couplemovies #girlfriends #girlfriendboyfriend #love #crime #thriller #cute #secret #friends #pocketfilms #shortmovie #psychology Subscribe to our channels for a new #shortfilm every day - Click Here to Watch New Releases - Visit to learn more about us and our activities including films, contests, updates, etc. Cast & Crew: Director: Naveen Dhiman Producer: Kavita Saxena Music / Sound: Anoop Gupta Editor: Naveen Dhiman Cinematographer: Saurabh Kumar Maurya Casting: Ravi Gupta Visual Effects: Naveen Dhiman Makeup Artist: Nandani Srivastwa Marketing: Abhinav Srivastav Actors: Bhhavna Mishraa: Shreya Aryan Thakur: Manav Pushpendra Singh Chauhan: Driver Akash Anand: Guard Facebook - Are you a filmmaker? Want to showcase your film/documentary and also generate income? Contact us at - The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products are intended or should be inferred. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. No person or entity associated with this film received payment or anything of value, or entered into any agreement, in connection with the depiction of any products.” The use of tobacco products, alcohol, and drugs is injurious to health. The platform, distributors, producers, director(s), actors, and characters in this film do not promote or encourage the use of tobacco products, alcohol, or drugs. Tobacco Kills.

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