Ready to learn the benefits of nasal breathing & mouth taping while you sleep? New Backed By Science Program is LIVE! FULL GYM 2.0: PPL PROGRAM: FULL GYM PROGRAM: 30-DAY GARAGE PROGRAM: From a general overall health standpoint, it’s clear that breathing through your nose is more beneficial. It filters allergens and humidifies the air and as you breathe through your nose your paranasal sinuses release NO which improves the overall efficiencies of your respiratory system but there are a lot more benefits that people (including myself ) overlook. A huge one was the link between obstructive sleep apnea and mouth breathing. I've spent the last 15 years of my life using a CPAP machine only to recently find out that in my case it wasn't needed... On top of that the benefit of working and exclusively breathing through the nose is that it builds up your CO2 tolerance. This will allow you to breathe more efficiently, improve oxygen delivery and delay fatigue… #mouthtape #nasalbreathing #fitness

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