不知道大家煮完昆布高湯後的昆布會怎麼處理? 會直接吃掉還是做成其他料理? 我都買 [根昆布] 來煮高湯,越靠近根部的昆布風味越濃厚, 不過質地比較硬,所以通常我會切成細絲,做涼拌或佃煮~ 佃煮昆布充滿濃濃的日式風味, 可以用來當作便當小菜,或包進白飯裡變昆布飯糰! 還可以在冰箱冷藏兩周左右,簡單又美味的冰箱常備菜😉 I don't know what will happen to the kelp after cooking the kelp stock? Will it be eaten directly or made into other dishes? I buy [gen kelp] to cook the broth, the closer the root is, the stronger the flavor of kelp. However, the texture is harder, so I usually cut into filaments and make cold dressing or tsukudani~ Tsukudani kombu is full of strong Japanese flavor, It can be used as a bento side dish, or wrapped in white rice to make kelp rice balls! You can also refrigerate in the refrigerator for about two weeks, simple and delicious refrigerator standing dishes😉 食譜Recipe 【昆布高湯】根昆布6條(35g),水2500cc 【佃煮昆布】 全部昆布絲,麻油適量,清酒30g,日式醬油60g,味霖30g,砂糖20g,白芝麻適量 【Kombu Stock】6 root konbu (35g), water 2500cc 【Tsuki konbu】 All konbu shreds, appropriate amount of sesame oil, 30g sake, 60g Japanese soy sauce, 30g mirin, 20g sugar, appropriate amount of white sesame 黃子橙臉書fb: https://reurl.cc/O1KdNg