Welcome to 2017! Wow, 2016 kind of kicked our asses didn’t it? It seems we can’t be complacent anymore. It feels like we are at that point in the movie in which we need to strap on the armor and walk into the battlefield. Are you ready for the pre-battle pep-talk? WHAT IS A LIGHT WARRIOR? We are being called up. Called to service in a huge way. We can feel it, we have been in training…now we need to train to the next level. This will be mind, body, soul, energetic level initiations and trainings to fortify us to our next level of being and to expand our potential in the world. Video 1 of 4: Light Warrior Mentorship Group Training Program Application for LIGHT WARRIOR MENTORSHIP: https://katherinebird.typeform.com/to/HYjGPB This program is for light workers, energy healers, conscious entrepreneurs, passionate environmentalists, sensitives, empaths and those bringing unique gifts to the world. You've been through the spiritual awakening ... now what?

energy workenergy healingpsychicShamanShamanic chanelLight WorkerLight Warriorsensitivesempathhighly sensitive personSpiritual awakeningwokeSpiritual workSpiritual business coachChannelerHealerShamanic Channel