DOOM GPU SHOOT-OUT!, what Graphics card do you need to make it run really well?… What are the Best Settings? & what FPS can you expect from the low end like the Geforce GTX 950, or the GeForce GTX 960, versus the enthusiast level cards like the GTX 970 and GTX 980 Ti? LETS FIND OUT! … fingers crossed I also got to try it on the GeForce GTX 1080 soon too ;) R2-SeeThru Build Log; (The new Gaming PC I used for this video)

DOOMGPU comparisongameplaywhich settingsbest settingsFPSframerate60pperformance1080p60fps1440p4kgraphics settingssettingscomparisonNvidiaGeforceGPUGPU Fightgraphics card comparisonBluntyBlunty3000