I see a lot of posts online of DMs who've tried to switch from 5E to Old School Renaissance games only to struggle. When I listen closely to what they are saying, I find out that they don't understand a fundamental concept of OSR games. OSR games emphasize your interaction with the world, not the game mechanics. This is can be thought of as the "open system" It is the part of the game system that is "open" to the ideas and creativity of the players at the table. It's permeable and lets stuff you carry in your head, into the game world. For more ideas on how to get the most out of your OSR games, you can read my blog at https://grumpywizard.home.blog/ My monthly email newsletter goes deep into subjects on sword-and-sorcery gaming, movies, books, comics, and heavy metal. https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/v8c9s8

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