I seem to have found an automatic weapon with “78” fire rate in Pixel Gun 3d… I have a Discord server now, join it if wanna talk to me or something. Invite: https://discord.gg/YyJ7rGK7zr More about WGF inc: WGF inc. is an idiot that is too lazy to type a high effort and detailed description of himself. What? Did you expect a 500-word essay? Oh also WGF inc. stands for Western Gaming Franchise, which is an inside joke so "inside" that all of you reading this won't get it. This video is property of WGF inc. Reposting or use without permission is strictly prohibited and may result in anything from request to remove to a copyright takedown request. Note that one of my videos not containing this text in the description does NOT give you the excuse to use it without my permission. This text is just for extra clarification. If you are interested in using this video or one of my videos in one of your videos, then message WGF inc.# 7620 on Discord or contact me via my business email.