#대만 #대만역사 #양안관계 대만 사람들은 자기가 중국인이라고 생각할까 대만인이라고 생각할까? 대만 역사부터 양안관계까지, 대만 탐구 A to Z | 대만, 대만역사, 양안관계 즐거움과 유익함이 가득가득, 김지윤의 지식Play! kimjyTV@gmail.com 📑 참고문헌 📑 Batto, N. F. (2023b, April 19). Taiwan Is Already Independent: Why Most of the Island’s People Don’t Desire a Formal Declaration. Foreign Affairs. https://www.foreignaffairs.com/taiwan/taiwan-already-independent Chen, F., Yen, W., Wang, A. H., & Hioe, B. (2017, January 2). The Taiwanese see themselves as Taiwanese, not as Chinese. Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2017/01/02/yes-taiwan-wants-one-china-but-which-china-does-it-want/ The Economist. (2023a, March 9). How Taiwan is shaped by its history and identity. The Economist. https://www.economist.com/special-report/2023/03/06/how-taiwan-is-shaped-by-its-history-and-identity?gclid=CjwKCAjwyeujBhA5EiwA5WD7_TDADi1v9G3E9xfYql2EfJIehrOimsHIT3NFnGZDMAXzn20OVJhl2hoC4wcQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds Election Study Center, NCCU-Taiwanese / Chinese Identity. (Jan. 13, 2023). https://esc.nccu.edu.tw/PageDoc/Detail?fid=7800&id=6961 Rigger, S., Nachman, L., Mok, C. W. J., & Chan, N. K. M. (2022, March 11). Why is unification so unpopular in Taiwan? It’s the PRC political system, not just culture. Brookings. https://www.brookings.edu/blog/order-from-chaos/2022/02/07/why-is-unification-so-unpopular-in-taiwan-its-the-prc-political-system-not-just-culture/ Yang, W. (2023, March 29). Taiwan-China: What’s behind ex-leader Ma Ying-jeou’s visit? dw.com. https://www.dw.com/en/taiwan-china-whats-behind-ex-leader-ma-ying-jeous-visit/a-65168481 지은주. (2009). 민주화 이후 대만의 독립문제와 정당체제의 재편성. 한국정치학회보, 43(1), 203-227. 신상진. (2016). 중국의 대 대만정책과 대만 정권교체 이후양안관계 전망. 중소연구, 40(1), 7-39.