首先我们探讨一下熊市如何赚钱? 从1969年以来的40年间,巴菲特至少经历了4次熊市。每次熊市过后,其财富都比以前大幅增加,可以说,没有大熊市股票价格的极端下跌,也无法造就股神的今日辉煌。 那么,作为散户的投资者是否也可以效仿呢?结论当然是肯定的! 以下三点建议可以给大家参考: 首先,精选投资标的。从1977年到2004年这27年间,巴菲特研究了在美国上市的1万多只股票,却只选了22只股票,其中重仓股仅有7只。比如可口可乐、吉列、苹果、美国银行等。(也就是他经常挂在嘴巴的金句:“不买落后股,不买平庸股,牢牢锁定领导股。) 商家推荐:http://www.canadaso.com/ #投資美國股票#美股投資#美股價值投資#怎麼投資美股#買美國股票#如何買美股#如何投資美股#如何買美國股票#如何投資美國股票#怎麼買美股#美股推荐#美股投资#投資理財股票#美国股票投资#美國股票怎麼買#可投資股票#美国股票怎么买#買美股#美股分析#美股交易#股票投資理財#股市投資#美股#美股股票分析 U.S. stocks I Taking history as a mirror, how does a bear market make money? How long will the U.S. stock bear market last? Hello everyone! I am Sister Xiaoling from the US Stocks Book Club. The topic of this issue is how to make money in a bear market? How long will the U.S. stock bear market last? First, let's explore how a bear market makes money? In the 40 years since 1969, Buffett has experienced at least four bear markets. After each bear market, its wealth has increased significantly than before. It can be said that without the extreme decline of stock prices in the big bear market, it is impossible to create the glory of the stock god today. So, can retail investors follow suit? The conclusion is of course yes! Here are three suggestions for your consideration: First, select investment targets. During the 27 years from 1977 to 2004, Buffett studied more than 10,000 stocks listed in the United States, but only selected 22 stocks, of which only 7 were heavily held. Such as Coca-Cola, Gillette, Apple, Bank of America, etc. (That is, the golden sentence he often hangs on his lips: "Don't buy laggards, don't buy mediocre stocks, and firmly lock in leading stocks.) Business recommendation: http://www.canadaso.com/ #Invest in US stocks#US stock investment#US stock value investment#how to invest in US stocks #buyUS stocks#how to buy US stocks#how to invest in US stocks#how to buy US stocks#how to invest in US stocks#how to buy US stocks #USstocksrecommend#USstocksinvesting#investmentfinancing stock#American stock investment#American stock how to buy#investable stock#American stock how to buy#buy US stock#US stock analysis#US stock trading#stock investment and wealth management#stock market investment#US stock#US stock stock analysis