All technology quotes from the base game, Gods and King's and Brave New World expansions as well as most of the scenario unique quotes I could find. Taken from: & from: Some of the 'New World' scenario quotes are missing (for now). Although they are less commonly known. I was working on another quote based project, but the longer I worked on it, the more it became apparent that I'd need all the quotes without no background sound to be a stepping stone for that project, so here's a compilation of all the quotes with no background interference.

civ 5 technology quotesciv 5 tech quotescivciv 5civ vcivilizationcivilization 5civilization vciv 5 techciv 5 techsciv 5 technologyciv 5 technology guideciv 5 tech treetechnologiestechnologies in civilizationcivilisationguest273xguestxguest273xxguest273guest 273civ 5 bnwciv 5 g&kwilliam morgan sheppardwilliam morgan sheppard voicewilliam morgan sheppard civ 5