打倒刘少奇 刘少奇这个大坏蛋 教我们读书无用论 教我们读书当官论 教我们不爱劳动 打倒当权派,不得好死 毛主席万岁 毛主席万岁 叛徒内奸工贼刘少奇 打着红旗反红旗 一贯勾结帝修反 妄图复辟资本主义把人欺 中国人民有志气 毛泽东思想红旗高举起 剥开刘修的画皮 无产阶级专政要牢记 批倒批臭黑六论 文化大革命伟大胜利 我们啊,在旧社会 吃不饱,穿不暖,没书读 刘少奇这个大坏蛋 教我们走回旧社会的老路 我们啊,一千个不答应 一万个不答应 刘少奇,黑六论 毛主席万岁 毛主席万岁 打倒劉少奇 劉少奇這個大壞蛋 教我們讀書無用論 教我們讀書當官論 教我們不愛勞動 打倒當權派,不得好死 毛主席萬歲 毛主席萬歲 叛徒內奸工賊劉少奇 打著紅旗反紅旗 一貫勾結帝修反 妄圖復辟資本主義把人欺 中國人民有志氣 毛澤東思想紅旗高舉起 剝開劉修的畫皮 無產階級專政要牢記 批倒批臭黑六論 文化大革命偉大勝利 我們啊,在舊社會 吃不飽,穿不暖,沒書讀 劉少奇這個大壞蛋 教我們走回舊社會的老路 我們啊,一千個不答應 一萬個不答應 劉少奇,黑六論 毛主席萬歲 毛主席萬歲 Take Down Liu Shaoqi Liu Shaoqi, President of the People's Republic of China (April 27, 1959 - October 31, 1968) Liu Shaoqi is a big bad guy Teach us the theory of the uselessness of studying Teach us to study and become officials Teach us that we don't like to work Overturn the power elite and be damned! Long live Chairman Mao! Long live Chairman Mao! Traitor and collaborator Liu Shaoqi Fight against the red flag with the red flag Consistently colluding with imperialists and revisionists Trying to revive capitalism and deceive people The Chinese people have ambition Raise the red flag of Mao Zedong Thought Peel off the skin of Revisionism Liu The dictatorship of the proletariat must be remembered Criticize the Six Revisionist Theories Great Victory of the Cultural Revolution We, in the old society We couldn't get enough food, we couldn't get warm clothes, and we couldn't study. Liu Shaoqi, the villain taught us to go back to the old ways of the old society We, thousand times no. Ten thousand no's. Liu Shaoqi, Six Revisionist Theories Long live Chairman Mao! Long live Chairman Mao!