오늘은 팽이버섯으로 장조림 덮밥을 만들어 보았습니다! 계란이나 새송이 버섯보다 간도 더 잘 배어있고, 식감도 오독오독해서 정말 맛있어요 :) 재료도, 과정도 간단하니 꼭 한번 드셔보세요 노른자랑 참기름 같이 드셔야 훨씬 맛있습니다! Today, I made a special jangjorim with enoki mushrooms! It's seasoned better than eggs or mushrooms. The texture is very crunchy, so it's really good. :) The ingredients and the process are simple, so make sure to try it. 💌 Recipe blog : https://curious-pig.tistory.com 💌 Insta : https://www.instagram.com/oguogy 💌 Mail : oguogibusiness@gmail.com #버섯장조림, #팽이버섯볶음, #장조림비빔밥, #장조림만들기, #팽이버섯요리, #shorts
