❓Did you know that this series is available as an online course with a unique textbook? Download the textbook sample FOR FREE here and try it with the 5 available topics: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/czechbyzuzka/e/98564 ☺️Are you interested in learning all the 20 topics (and 121 words) this way in a complete course that will stay with you for a life time? Click here: https://www.udemy.com/course/cestina-na-gauci/?referralCode=E3980FEDD82A61732353 Welcome to Monday's "Čeština na gauči". (Czech language on the sofa). Let's learn 6 practical words used for dining 🍽 without using a single word in English! • vidlička • lžíce • nůž • sklenička • talíř • ubrousek 0:00 Co je Čeština na gauči? 0:58 Téma: Stolování 3:20 Jak se ta slova píšou? ✏️ 5:48 Mini test 6:49 Máte nápad na téma?

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