Automatically create, update, and delete rows in your Google spreadsheet. In this video, I show you how to do exactly that using Zapier. We'll start off with zap prerequisites and then I'll show you how to set up your trigger. In this example, we'll use Google Forms as our trigger and our workflow will fire off when someone makes a form submission. We'll then set up our spreadsheet action and map dataflow from the Google form fields to columns in our spreadsheet. Next, I'll show you how you can let yourself or another team member know that the job is complete through a slack notification. The first part of the video covers the "create spreadsheet row" action but later in the video, I show you how to use the update and delete spreadsheet row actions. Let me know what you think and what you'd like to see next! #automation #nocode #googlesheets #googleforms #triggers #actions #businessprocessautomation #slack #people #process #technology #workflowautomation
