Hello 進階的朋友你們好 歡迎再度來到你們期待已久的啞鈴鍛鍊 今天會教大家用家裡/健身房的一對炸全身肌群 讓你用省時有效方式鍛鍊全身 強度絕對不亞於健身房 如果沒時間去健身房鍛鍊的話 就做這組訓練吧! 整組鍛鍊 將分為徒手暖身 啞鈴下肢、上肢、核心 以及最後的伸展收操 很多動作都是稍帶挑戰性 也跟以往有所不同 那我們廢話不多說 準備跟我開練吧 Warm up 暖身 下肢鍛鍊: Alternative squat thrusts 啞鈴輪流火箭推 DB clean squat 啞鈴上搏 Squat and RDL 啞鈴與硬舉組合 Asymmetric stance squat (20秒switch)不對稱站距深蹲 Single leg deadlift knee drive單邊硬舉抬膝 右 Single leg deadlift knee drive 單邊硬舉抬膝 左 Squat with alternating front raise (20秒switch) 啞鈴對邊上抬 Reverse lunge 後跨步蹲 Jumping lunges 跳躍跨步蹲 上肢鍛鍊: Push press 借力肩推 Bent over row 啞鈴划船 Alternative rear delt row 啞鈴輪流三角肌划船 Knee down push up and tap 跪姿伏地挺身碰肩 Db chest press 躺臥啞鈴胸推 Db chest flys into press 躺臥飛鳥+胸推 Overhead tricep extension 過頭三頭屈伸 Alternative Front raise 啞鈴輪流前舉 Hammer curls 輪流二頭彎舉 核心鍛鍊: Dumbbell leg raise 啞鈴抬腳 Raised flutter kick 啞鈴踢腿 Leg hold 抬腳停留 Side plank DB raise R 側平板抬啞鈴 Side plank DB raise L 側平板抬啞鈴 Plank dumbbell drag 平板手拉啞鈴 Spider tap 蜘蛛點地 *此影片無商業合作 Follow May Fit instagram ▶ https://www.instagram.com/may8572fit/ 加入女力健身App(14天免費試用) ▶ http://join.nuli.app/may 逛逛我的網站(高蛋白點心&運動服飾)▶ https://www.mayyoufit.com/ 追蹤品牌Line官方帳號專屬ID: @mayufit ▶ https://lin.ee/tiQ1zgb 更多May Fit居家徒手/啞鈴訓練 ▶ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLol39BuP8rM-6l2PNZqXFETC6oCkjnXoi 健身初學女孩必看!人氣觀念影片▶ https://youtube.com/playlist? Music by LYRE - CRY WOLF - https://thmatc.co/?l=F5C32D20 Music by Martian - Energy - https://thmatc.co/?l=9B75470D Music by Eric Reprid - Hate On Me - https://thmatc.co/?l=9140934A Music by SoLonely - Into 2 - https://thmatc.co/?l=DD298BBD Music by Kim Chi Sun - The Way You Want (feat. CHARLES) - https://thmatc.co/?l=A60A2815 Music by Dunstan - Get Ready - https://thmatc.co/?l=994013B8 Music by Connor Musarra - MERCURY - https://thmatc.co/?l=33E78337 Music by TrapFunk&Alivio - É o Biicho - https://thmatc.co/?l=9C6CEB57 Music by HYRA - REM (No Sleep) - https://thmatc.co/?l=4E3A368A Music by JEN Z - Counting Sheep - https://thmatc.co/?l=F006D5FA