I have written this song on the day, when my Dad passed away unexpectedly. Today is the 20th anniversary of his passing. So I thought, my first recorded performance with Ableton live looping could be his song. It's weird, that he's been gone for that long now and it doesn't feel that way. Next year, I will reach his age when he passed on. But for some reason, we will never be age buddies. He will always be my dad and not a buddy of the same age. The distance of dad-son stays the same. I will probably still tell him when I am 70 years of age "Hey dad, you won't believe what happened today..." which I am still doing even though he is gone. :-D This is my very first piece of work with Ableton live in session view. I am pretty sure, that the quality of my live looping performances will never reach the quality of i.e.: https://www.youtube.com/user/rachelkcollieroff or https://www.youtube.com/c/hannieplays/videos But, who cares. I have just started to use Ableton and the further gear to use Ableton as a live looping solution. The possibilties are unbelievable and the CPU my laptop is already steaming :-D So, here's to my Dad. Never forgotten.
