With an expression of surprise and absolute happiness as their name, OhBliss made their debut, hoping to give happiness through their music. OhBliss' title song, "BUNNYBUNNY" holds an addictive melody that cutely expresses a woman's hopes to get closer to a person she likes. Visit ‘Simply K-Pop’ Official Pages Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/arirangsimplykpop Twitter: https://twitter.com/_Simplykpop Google+: https://plus.google.com/+ArirangKr_simplykpop Visit ‘Arirang K-Pop’ Official Pages Facebook(K-POP): http://www.facebook.com/arirangkpop Google+(K-POP): http://plus.google.com/+arirangworld Homepage: http://www.arirang.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/arirangtv Twitter: http://twitter.com/arirangworld Instagram: http://instagram.com/arirangworld
