No one else can tell you what your truth is. Truth is a feeling just as much as it is a “fact,” and we can decide what is true for ourselves in any moment. This light language transmission is a gentle reminder of your personal truth, and also a reminder that your truth is allowed to change as you grow. There may be beliefs and habits that no longer serve your current vibration and you have the power to modify them at will. Allow this energy to awake you to your own truths and bless you with the courage to face yourself and love yourself enough to live your truth here and now. You are more powerful than you think you are, and your truth holds the key to manifesting all of your heart’s desires as you share your light with the world. …………….. For more information and to download the MP3 of this audio for free, please visit If you find benefit in this energy healing, please consider contributing on Paypal (www.PayPal.Me/lnlawakening) and Patreon ( Thank you for all of your Love and Support!
