🏳️‍🌈 Agender vs. Non-Binary 🏳️‍⚧️ I’ve gotten a lot of questions about the differences between these two gender identities — which makes sense because they’re definitely similar! First, to recap — being agender means that your gender is neutral, or you don’t have a gender. And being non-binary means that your gender doesn’t strictly fall within the category of either man or woman. Non-binary can also be an umbrella term, though, and contain *any* gender that fits this description — including identities like genderfluid, demiboy, and agender! Again, agender falls within this category because this identity doesn’t fit neatly within the gender binary — as being genderless definitely doesn’t equal being a man or woman. (Though it’s important to note that not all agender people will relate to the word non-binary, which is valid as well!) But while agender people do technically fall within the non-binary umbrella, not every non-binary person falls within the agender category — Some non-binary people *do* feel connected to having a gender, as opposed to being genderless! On the other hand, some non-binary people feel agender sometimes, but not all the time. That’s definitely the case for me as a non-binary / genderfluid person — My gender shifts and changes, and sometimes I feel genderless, while other times I feel connected to womanhood, or some combination of genders. Overall, the big takeaway is that these two gender identities — non-binary and agender — are similar, but with slight nuances (as is the case with many related LGBTQ+ identities) And as always, everyone gets to use whatever label(s) feels best for them, even if their experiences don’t “perfectly” match the definitions. 💬 Do these differences between these two gender identities make sense? Is there anything I can clarify or explain further? 💬