孤独症患者成年后能够结婚吗 邵智 重庆市第九人民医院 儿童孤独症是一个严重的神经发育障碍。自然病程十分严峻,那么如果能够,早期诊断,早期干预,长期科学的康复,不管是国际上的文献报道,还是咱们中心的十几年的,临床康复实践都表明,这些孩子的病情能够得到显著的改善,那部分孩子,可以像正常孩子一样,读小学,读中学,读大学,成年以后也能正常的工作。这些孩子,除了在新四方发展方面,就是在睡觉沟通方面,有一些不足以外。其实他的其它的身体机能是正常的,所以这些孩子,如果经过早期科学的,长期的科学康复以后,它能够正常的学习,正常的工作。这些孩子也是当然可以结婚成家的。 Can autistic people get married as adults Autism in children is a serious neurodevelopmental disorder. The natural course is very severe, So if you can, Early diagnosis, Early intervention, Long term scientific rehabilitation, Whether it's international literature reports, It's more than ten years in our center, Clinical rehabilitation practice shows that, The children's condition can be significantly improved, That part of the children, Like a normal child, Primary school, Middle school, University, I can work normally as an adult. These children, In addition to the development of the new Quartet, In terms of sleep communication, There are some shortcomings. In fact, his other physical functions are normal, So these kids, If you go through early science, After a long period of scientific rehabilitation, It can learn normally, Normal operation. Of course, these children can get married and have a family.
