Dronesurvey Asia是香港區企業級及商業級無人機方案服務供應商。 我們的航拍操作員都擁有英國發出的CDP-C™或同等的專業資格。我們亦擁有由民航處發出的小型無人機進階操作許可證明。除此之外,我們所有的無人機服務,已包括第三者保險所保障。 我們的專業範疇包括高空測量服務,2D及3D攝影測量法,工業及土木工程檢測,資產管理及安全管理,以及電影和電視節目高空攝錄及拍照服務。 如果你需要更多服務計劃,歡迎電郵至info@dronesurvey.asia 查詢。 Dronesurvey Asia is the Hong Kong leading enterprise and commercial drone solutions provider. All our drone pilots hold the UK-based CDP-C™ or an equivalent qualification for commercial aerial operations. We have a full Advanced Operations Permission (AOP) from the Civil Aviation Department. In additional, we are fully covered by comprehensive third party liability insurance. Our expertise covers aerial survey mapping and photogrammetry (2D and 3D), industrial and structural inspection, asset monitoring and security, as well as movie and TV aerial video and photography. For more information and enquiry, please email to info@dronesurvey.asia

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