What do track and field Olympians do after the Olympics? Get back to it. The season is not over! In fact for me, it really just started. 2 competitions indoors and 2 competitions outdoors so far for this year. For those that don't know, the track season actually runs into September for a lot of athletes. The Olympics is not the end of the year. In this video, I go over how that works and what I've been doing at home to bounce back from the big Olympic grind. NULO PET FOOD: https://nulo.com THORNE SUPPLEMENTS: https://www.thorne.com SORINEX EXERCISE EQUIPMENT: https://www.sorinex.com CAMEO: https://www.cameo.com/rcrouser BOOKING INQUIRIES: https://www.doylemanagement.com Editing/Video: Erich Sullins - @erich_sullins on IG

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