ご視聴いただきありがとうございます😊 今回は堀江にある今「生ベーグルドーナツ」で大人気のパン屋「ボーノベーカリ」さんに行ってMaiりました! ベーグルはもちろん、クロワッサンや食パンもめっちゃおいしかった💓 並んでいるパンが全部可愛くて女子受けもバッチリ👍 お店がおしゃれで店員さんもすごく丁寧な対応でした! めっちゃおすすめパン屋さん! 動画を見て気になった方はぜひ行ってみてね✨ テイクアウトしてお家で食べる動画は初めてで少し照れました(笑) 今後もテイクアウト動画もアップしていく予定です❣ 食レポもっと上手になれるように頑張る・・・(笑) ー------------------- チャンネル登録・グッドボタンをしていただけるとうれしいです✨ Instagramではその他たくさんのグルメ情報を投稿しています💌 ぜひ覗いてみてね✨ ☺︎Instagram☺︎ チャンネルの概要のリンクをチェック✨ ー------------------- Thank you for watching 😊 This time, I went to Bono Bakery, a bakery in Horie that is very popular for its freshly baked bagel donuts. Not only the bagels, but also the croissants and breads were delicious💓 All the breads lined up are cute and perfect for girls 👍 The inside of the store was stylish and the staff was very polite! This is a highly recommended bakery! If you are interested after watching the video, please check it out✨ It was my first time to watch a video of people taking takeout and eating it at home, so I was a little embarrassed (lol) We plan to continue uploading takeout videos in the future❣ I'll do my best to become good at food reporting... (lol) -------------------- I would be happy if you could subscribe to the channel and press the good button ✨ I also post a lot of other gourmet information on Instagram 💌 Please take a look✨ ☺︎Instagram☺︎ Check it out from the link in the channel overview ✨ --------------------
