末段高空區域防禦系統(英語:Terminal High Altitude Area Defense,縮寫:THAAD,薩德)是美國導彈防禦局和美國陸軍隸下的陸基戰區反導系統,一般簡稱為薩德反導系統。 “薩德”系統的承包商為洛克希德·馬丁公司、波音公司、雷神公司,一套“薩德”系統通常由指揮車、火控雷達、6部8聯裝發射裝置和48枚攔截彈組成,其技戰術性能有著諸多與眾不同的特點。 Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (English: Terminal High Altitude Area Defense, abbreviation: THAAD, THAAD) is a land-based theater anti-missile system under the jurisdiction of the US Missile Defense Agency and the US Army, generally referred to as the THAAD anti-missile system. The contractors for the THAAD system are Lockheed Martin, Boeing, and Raytheon. A THAAD system usually consists of a command vehicle, a fire control radar, 6 8-unit launchers and 48 interceptor bombs. Composition, its technical and tactical performance has many distinctive features.

THAAD薩德末段高空區域防禦系統Terminal High Altitude Area DefenseTHAAD薩德美國導彈防禦局美國陸軍陸基戰區反導系統薩德反導系統洛克希德·馬丁公司波音公司雷神公司指揮車火控雷達“薩德”系統萨德韩国部署萨德反导系统