Check out my new video with corrected prayers - Chant Courtesy of Floriani! Want to show support for the channel and remind others to pray the Rosary daily? Grab a T-Shirt at our store: Here is the Rosary in the form of Gregorian Chant. I wanted a full version so I made one. Here are the Latin/English translations of the prayers. I do not recall at this point where the music all came from since it was many devices ago, but from a little searching, below are the links I could find to the originals or something close. Ave Maria Requiem Aeternam Credo in unum Deum Pater Noster Gloria Patri I could not find the version of Salve Regina, but I believe it is owned by David Skinner.

CatholicRosaryGregorian ChantEucharistOur Lady of the RosaryMaryChristiangregorianchantlatingregorian chant (composition type)canto gregorianocatholicismcatholic massroman catholichealing gregorian chantgregorian chant catholiclatin rosaryrosario en latinave mariagregorian chant musicrosary gregorian chantrosary in latinrosario gregorianochant gregoriencatholic chantscantos gregorianoslatin chant葛利果聖歌catholic chant