来到东北不吃一顿小烧烤,那不就等于白来吗?吉林延边的人们对烤串是真爱,街边大大小小的串店串城,每当夜幕降临,三五好友相约烤肉。这里有特制的烧烤炉,碳火温度给力,当地人有自己秘密的烤法,牛羊肉的各种部位都能烤,又苦又辣的啤酒锅,阿星煮肉蓉面吃。 If you don't have a small barbecue when you come to the Northeast China, doesn’t that mean you have not come? People in Yanbian, Jilin, love Northeast barbecue. There are large and small Chuan Restaurants on the street. When night falls, three or five friends meet for barbecue. There is a special barbecue grill with strong carbon fire temperature. The locals have their own secret roasting method. Various parts of beef and mutton can be roasted. The beer pot is bitter and spicy, and Axing cooks minced meat noodles in it.

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