I am immensely saddened by the loss of one of Australia's finest actresses: Wendy Hughes who died March 8, 2014. An award winning star of stage and screen, both big and small, Wendy's brilliant career parallels the renaissance of the Aussie film industry in the mid 1970's and her talent knew no bounds, branching out into theatre, television and movies both at home and abroad. Her Logie award winning turn in 'Power Without Glory' in 1976 was my first sighting of the sublimely beautiful Wendy Hughes and I've been truly smitten ever since. I got to meet my idol in 1982; a day i'll never forget. I was working a summer job in retail and lo and behold who came up to me to buy toys for her children for Christmas but the one and only Wendy Hughes. I had to tell her how much of a fan I was; I was 18! I also helped her to her car with the mass of items she purchased. I was star struck, but she was perfectly lovely and everything I would have wanted from an idol. The interaction will be with me forever. 2 years ago as I sat waiting for an appointment in Sydney's inner city, i caught a glimpse of the charismatic Wendy Hughes. Even in trackies, a loose wrap around her shoulders, that elegantly beautiful face and those large, expressive eyes beamed out; but by the time I realised it was her, the moment was gone, and so was she. I am so sad that i will never see her again. Thankfully her performances live on. My sincere sympathies and wishes to her children and family on their profound loss. I wanted to find a way to both express my grief and admiration for this great beauty and awesome actress. She was both - of the highest caliber. We shall miss you, Wendy!