After students complete this chapter and the related course work, they will be able to describe and apply effective preparation for transport, safe emergency vehicle operations, appropriate transport decisions, safe patient transfer techniques, and a responsible approach to patient care during transport. Students will be able to identify the nine phases of a call and describe the EMT’s role in each phase. They will be able to discuss the differences between ground and air medical transport. Furthermore, students will understand the steps necessary to properly clean and disinfect the emergency vehicle and equipment following a call. 0:00 Introduction 0:05 National EMS Education Standard Competencies (1014) 0:47 Introduction 1:08 Emergency Vehicle Design of 5 3:04 Phases of an Ambulance Call 3:40 Preparation Phase (4 of 11) 9:05 Dispatch Phase 2 of 2 9:36 En Route to the Scene 10:08 Arrival at the Scene (1 of 6) 10:52 Arrival at the Scene 3 of 6 12:38 Transfer Phase 13:13 Transport Phase (1 of 2) 14:01 Delivery Phase 14:28 En Route to the Station 14:45 Postrun Phase 2 of 4 16:36 Defensive Ambulance Driving Techniques (8 of 10) 23:28 Laws and Regulations (1 of 5) 26:45 Distractions 27:06 Driving Alone 27:21 Fatigue 27:42 Air Medical Operations (B of 11) 32:28 Special Considerations (3 of 3) 33:39 Medevac Issues of 2 34:27 Review

EMTEMT LecturesTransport Operations