In this video I’m going to show how to build your own VPN for free. Test the VPN privacy. Use a chain of proxies on top of the VPN to guarantee that you become 100% anonymous. Educational purposes only. 0:00 Become very hard to track intro 0:42 Stop your Internet service provider from listening 1:23 Encrypt your connection / Make your own VPN 5:12 Setup openVPN for maximum security 6:45 Install openVPN on your PC - Start The encryption 7:14 You are in France now 7:30 Test your VPN Privacy 8:08 Hiding your IP Level 2: VPN + Tor 10:01 TOR IS HACKED STOP USING IT 10:15 Hiding your IP Level 3: VPN + Many proxies 12:25 Use two IP on two sides of earth at the same time 13:31 Wrap up Content: Make your own VPN. Free VPN. Test VPN against DNS leaks. Test VPN privacy. Tor + VPN VPN + Proxy Find working proxies. Find Fast Proxies. Types of proxies. Socks5 vs socks4 vs http proxies. Chain together proxies. Proxychains. Use vpn and proxy and the same time. How to be on two IPs at the same time. Sources: DNS leaks detection: VPN leaks detection: Free proxies: Tor under attack: