✨订阅摩登天空频道→http://t.hk.uy/Rp8 ✨摩登天空官方IG→https://www.instagram.com/modernsky_official/ 达达乐队 今日发布最新单曲《旋转木马》及MV,用抽象的文字与呢喃般轻盈的音符呈现出这个漂亮游戏的另外一面——游戏结束、人群散场后的庞大设施,尽是“广厦千万留下人独自一间”的无奈。此时的旋转木马,亦成了华丽与凋敝的象征、欢乐与忧伤的矛盾体。然而,他们却将MV的场景设定在一个房间内,以一镜到底的极简方式将歌曲中的情绪继续延伸。相较于前几首作品,《旋转木马》更像是一篇短小优美的散文诗,它并不局限于一个故事或一句道理,只要你在其中感受到自己的情绪,并放任它漫游一会儿,就足够了。 ✨Subscribe to Modern Sky Channel→http://t.hk.uy/Rp8 ✨Modernsky official IG→https://www.instagram.com/modernsky_official/ The Dada band today released the latest single "Carousel" and the MV, using abstract text and whispering light notes to present the other side of this beautiful game-the huge facilities after the game is over and the crowds are gone are all "Guangsha Don't leave people alone" helplessly. The carousel at this time has also become a symbol of magnificence and decay, a contradiction between joy and sadness. However, they set the scene of the MV in a room, and continue to extend the emotions in the song in a minimalist way. Compared with the previous works, "Carousel" is more like a short and beautiful prose poem. It is not limited to a story or a reason, as long as you feel your emotions in it and let it roam for a while, Will suffice. #摩登天空 #ModernSky #DADA #达达乐队 #旋转木马 #Carousel
