AI-Powered Autonomous Medical Coding - Chat with Arintra's CEO AI-powered autonomous Medical Coding addresses significant challenges in revenue collection in healthcare: We had an excellent opportunity to chat with Nitesh Shroff, CEO and co-founder of Arintra. This promising startup has developed an autonomous medical coding solution. Arintra is part of the Y-Combinator batch of winter 2022. Arintra is focused on Revenue Cycle Management (RCM). The main highlights of the Interview are the following: (1) Nitesh summarized some of the critical challenges faced by the US Healthcare system. Revenue collection challenges leading to low cash-in-hand are among the most dominant ones. If no intervention is made to solve these challenges by 2027, a financial shortfall of $200B could occur. (2) We discussed Arintra's Autonomous Medical Coding Solution in detail and discussed the various underlying AI technologies. Arintra has used the Agentic AI approach and Clinical knowledge graphs for their solution. (3) There are upcoming technologies and enhancements in the AI space that can further address healthcare challenges. Nitesh cited O1 models from OpenAI as one example. (4) Every country can have its healthcare system and challenges; we talked about the scalability of Arintra's solution beyond the US market. Nitesh Shroff Faisal Wattoo Arintra Silicon Valley Tech Talks

AIAI-PoweredAutonomous Medical CodingAI-Powered Autonomous Medical CodingAutonomousChat with Arintra's CEOTechnologyInnovationTechnology overviewTech TalksSilicon ValleyTech overviewCorporate leadersStartup FoundersStartupsVenture CapitalResearchBay Areaaiopenaifuture of aigen aiai-poweredartificial intelligenceAI-Powered Autonomous Medical Coding - Chat with Arintra's CEOFaisal wattoowhat is innovationchat with arintra's ceo