In this video, we will begin to review specific parts of a brief business plan. The topic for this video will be the business description, including the product description and management and operations. As we draft sample sentences, we will also try to use intensifiers and complements to be more persuasive. To learn more English or to get additional resources for English language teaching, see:

American EnglishECAEnglish Language LearningEnglish Language TeachingTESOLESOLTESLESLTEFLEFLLearn EnglishTeach EnglishEnglishlearning EnglishTeaching EnglishELTadjectivecomparative adjectivecomparativessuperlativessuperlative adjectivebusiness planplanbusiness descriptionsentence structurehow to writeproduct descriptionnew productsyllablesentrepreneurshipbusinessbusiness englishbusines writingenglish writingwritingOPENMOOC