Int Gems Part 1 Int Gems Part 2 Int Gems Part 3 Int Gems Part 4 Str gems Dex gems Part 1 Dex gems Part 2 Dex gems Part 3 Path of Exile: Affliction In Path of Exile: Affliction, you'll cleanse the Viridian Wildwood of its Affliction, earn valuable rewards and learn the ancient ways of the Azmeri Wanderers. Our December expansion introduces the Affliction challenge league, three new Wildwood Ascendancy Classes, the return of the Ultimatum League, over a hundred new Transfigured Gems, and much more! The Affliction Challenge League In the Affliction League, you will encounter Sacred Wisps that beckon you to enter overgrown passageways that lead to the Viridian Wildwood. A vile Affliction has covered this forest with a foreboding darkness. You'll need to uncover the forest's mysteries to put a stop to the source of the Affliction. The Viridian Wildwood As you approach the darkness, your Wisps burn away the affliction that shrouds the forest. Make sure you tread carefully, because your Wisps only have a limited amount of power before they run out and you are returned to Wraeclast. Be warned, the darkness is full of cursed monsters that emerge to kill you. As you explore, you might see other types of Wisps trapped inside the darkness. Follow the trails of Wisps by collecting them, and you may uncover many different secrets such as new characters, shrines, boss battles, and new encounters. There are many rewards to earn, for those brave enough to seek them. Control your Challenge and Reward As you return from the Wildwood, any Wisps you have saved from the Affliction disperse into the environment and inhabit randomly-chosen monsters, increasing their power and also their rewards. The different types of Wisps have different effects, and sometimes more than one type will inhabit a single monster, making the fight even harder and even more rewarding. Primal Wisps grant an item rarity bonus to inhabited monsters, Wild Wisps grant an item quantity bonus, and Vivid Wisps cause them to drop currency items. If a monster gets all three types, they'll drop more items of a higher rarity and a lot of currency. Wildwood Ascendancy Classes New Ascendancy: Warden of the Maji The Warden of Eaves can teach you to become a Warden of the Maji, a powerful class that takes advantage of wilderness knowledge. Wardens of the Maji can coat their weapons with Tinctures, granting them special bonuses. For example, the Ironwood Tincture always stuns enemies on full life and the Oakbranch Tincture is a great finisher for bosses. A Warden of the Maji has many other wilderness abilities such as Barkskin, which causes Bark to grow all over your body, increasing armour. As you take damage, the Bark temporarily falls off, increasing your evasion. While exploring the Wildwood, you might find some of the last few Azmeri Wanderers who have managed to survive in the forest since it was cursed. Choose which of the Azmeri Wanderers that you will complete quests for to unlock one of three new Ascendancy classes which you can have in addition to your regular Ascendancy class. Up to eight points for these classes are unlocked as you complete quests for the Azmeri.

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