Ever wonder how a nutrition coach approaches their own diet choices? This week’s Brute Strength podcast is your chance to find out, as Precision Nutrition coach Brian St. Pierre joins Michael Cazayoux to discuss his current diet regimen. Brian is used to working with high-performance athletes, but he’s joining the podcast to share his thoughts on how us “normal” folks can keep nutrition simple, stay consistent, create habits for success and get the most out of doing the least amount of work (cheers to that!). Topics: 04:30 – The start of Brian’s fitness journey 13:30 – Mindset, Fitness, Nutrition 25:10 – Social media and fitness 29:20 – Current diet 41:15 – Staying consistent & satisfied 58:30 – Habit Design 1:08:20 – Minimal Effective Dose Links: The Cost of Getting Lean Precision Nutrition