✅80分钟自媒体创业直播课《我如何1个月在YouTube赚1万美元》 👉付费级别课程现在免费注册-讲解如何把YouTube变成24小时的赚钱机器 👉课程价值$550-参与就送价值$99大礼包《YouTube Quick Guide 快速运营指导》 👉免费直播课点我订位https://bit.ly/3eJA9w8 -------------------------------------------------- 就在大家还在关注银行破产,会带来的严重经济后果的时候,巴西和中国达成了一项协议,放弃美元,使用人民币做国际贸易结算。同一时间,中国与法国完成了第一笔用人民币结算的液化石油气(LNG)交易,打响了对石油美元的战争。包括中,印,俄罗斯,巴西,南非在内的金砖五国(BRICS),正式启动创造全新贸易货币的计划,产油大国,沙特(Saudi Arabia), 阿联酋(UAE), 挤破脑袋想要加入金砖国家联盟。作为世界第二大经济体的中国,正在加速与美国脱钩,减少对美元的依赖。你感觉到了吗?我们熟悉的美元体系正在面临越来越大的威胁,而很可能世界经济格局即将改变。这到底对我们普通人熟悉的经济环境意味着什么呢?你应该担心吗?如何为即将到来的巨变做好准备。 00:00 巨大变革!石油美元终结的开始! 01:10 抛弃石油美元 03:28 世界秩序正在改变 06:30 美元持续贬值 08:04 世界正在抛弃美元 10:01 普通人应该担心吗? -------------------------------------------------- ✅艾财说帮助你实现财富觉醒和财富自由的频道 👉每周更新欢迎订阅https://bit.ly/3taS1ph -------------------------------------------------- ✅其他YouTube频道欢迎关注! 👉“澳房策”澳洲房产投资https://bit.ly/2J8wisJ 👉“旅爱” 旅行/摄影/Vlog https://bit.ly/3ePUCwc -------------------------------------------------- 👉老虎证券 (北美) 开户入金最多送1股亚马逊或100美元代金券https://tigr.link/7jhUl 👉老虎证券 (新加坡和其他地区) 开户入金最多赢SGD1,200https://tigr.link/7f3r9 -------------------------------------------------- ✅业务咨询/客服info@imoneytalk.com ✅会员服务/客服微信号imoneytalk-official -------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer 艾财说(Money Talk with Alex/imoneytalk.com) website and its publication contain investment information. The content is not advice, and should not be treated as such. You must not rely on the information on the website and or in the publication as an alternative to legal, financial, taxation, accountancy and investment advice from an appropriately qualified professional. If you have any specific questions about any legal, financial, taxation, accountancy and investment matter you should consult an appropriately qualified professional. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, we exclude all representations, warranties, undertakings, and guarantees relating to the content on the website and in the publication. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing paragraph, we do not represent, warrant, undertake or guarantee: that the information on the website and or in the publication is correct, accurate, complete, or non-misleading; that the use of the guidance on the website and or in the publication will lead to any particular outcome or result; or in particular, that by using the information on the website and or the guidance in the publication you will receive investment return. The content is not designed to promote any financial product or influence anyone to make a financial investment decision accordingly. DO NOT buy, sell or not to buy, sell any Australian financial product or service that needs an AFSL, just because somehow you are influenced by our content. If you are an Australian citizen, or permanent resident and or you are located in Australia please do not watch our channel due to Australian law restrictions.

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