Julian and Anne Marie talk about how he became a YouTube sensation and (amongst other things) how he wound up on the TV show Blind Date. We also talk about two of the musicians, Lil' Lost Lou and Tom Carradine (links to their websites below), whose music frequently appears on Joolz Guides soundtrack. In our Kid's Wisdom segment 9-year-old Liam and I discuss our love of England and double-decker buses. Resources Joolz Guides website:https://joolzguides.com Joolz Guides YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFWq... Tom Carradine Vintage Pianist and Musical Director, often performs old-time music for Joolz Guides videos: https://www.carradinescockneysingalon... Lil' Lost Lou Musician and Julian's sister, Lou is currently working on putting an EP together of music she's written for Joolz Guides. Some of the tunes are already available as downloads on all the usual iTunes / spotify etc, but do check out her website, her music is amazing: https://www.lillostlou.com Liam's Drawings As promised! Here are some of Liam's amazing artwork: https://www.armchairhistorians.com/li... To Support Armchair Historians: Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/armchairhisto... Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/belgiumrabbitproduc...