澎湖群島七美,衛生所一直沒有醫生駐診,好不容易盼到醫師到來了。新醫師侯武忠(莊凱勛飾),是澎湖保送醫學院的公費生,剛退伍就來七美服務, 病患紛紛扶老攜幼上門求診,侯武忠忙碌不已,而衛生所裡的同仁,個個工作態度十分散漫,令他深感頭痛,他在心裡暗暗告訴自己,一定要從自己做起,帶動大家一起改變…… It’s really not easy to expect a Doctor to stay in such a clinic at one of the small island “Chi-Mei“ in Penghu Islands. This new coming Doctor Hou is a medical college fellowship from Penghu. He came to serve in Chi-Mei island after he retired from military sector. The patients asking for his outpatient service crowded around really makes Dr. Ho so busy. He saw a big problem which most of the colleagues in this clinic are so inefficient and lazy. He promised he should behave himself as a good example to let everyone join him together to enhance the current situation... ※全劇連結:https://goo.gl/Uj9Fqi ※大愛劇場粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/DaAiDramaOffical/ (10450001)
