In this game of Civ 6, we’ll be playing as Caesar’s Rome, and the objective today is to try and reform the Roman empire on a game of Civ 6 with a terrifically tough difficulty and Roman Holiday’s AI improving mod! We’ve rebuilt the roman empire before but never quite like this. This start is tough, the AI is tougher, and we might finally have bitten off more than we can chew. Can Caesar get us out of this mess?? All maps, mods and tech support on getting these games to work are available on my discord, so swing by! If you want to help plan this series, consider becoming a channel supporter using the links below. Find the full playlist here: 00:00 - Hello & Welcome! Game Explain 02:55 - Turn 1! TSL Means TSL! 07:00 - What Did Vesuvius Ever Do 10:52 - Planning Out City Number 2 14:56 - Ostia Enters The Fray 19:00 - This Start Is Deceptively Tough With So Little Food!! 23:06 - Accidental Best Friends 26:50 - The Best Fragrance Money Can Buy 30:50 - My District Plan 34:33 - The Start Of How This Playthrough Goes From Here Make sure you subscribe below so you don't miss more Deity Civilization VI fun! Ko-fi - Patreon - Discord - Subscribe - Thumbnail background made by BiZkettE1, on Freepik.

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