Thermal Sunder When combining Heat + Cold, it will total all the the remaining heat dot on the target and the damage is converted into blast damage. Similar to Expedite Suffering, dot remaining time is not rounded. Heat DOT Damage Per Tick * Remaining Status Duration + Damage From ability (Includes Falloff using Warframe as center of radius) 496*11.7+240 = 6043.2 If the last stack of heat is proc'd via Thermal Sunder, heat status(remaining)duration will be depended on ability duration. If the last stack of heat is NOT proc'd via Thermal Sunder, heat status(remaining)duration will be depended on status duration from the first stack. *All of the later stack will inherit status duration from the first stack* When totaling all heat dot, faction bonus is only depended from the first stack, and due to ingame mechanic it only applies once. The high value of elemental bonus from the first stack can increase all of the subsequent stacks' dot damage, and it can be normally total by thermal sunder Thermal Sunder is essentially Expedite Suffering but with heat, works perfecetly with heat inherit, and it does not scales with ability strength Final heat dot total calculation: Weapon Base Damage*0.5*HeatElementalBonusFromFirstStack*FactionDamageBonusFromFirstStack*RemainingDOTStatusDurationFromFirstStack For our run, we can subsume Thermal sunder onto other frames As usual, Ash is modded with High Duration and with armor stripping augment This time we will try out Primary Gaze, it has innate 100% Radiation, and if you put any other element, it will become 100% of that element when you shoot at demolyst due to how Radiation Immune works, essentially you turn gaze into a 100% pure heat/element weapon Using Tysis as co-primer because dispo advantage Also, you must NOT have cold status on the target when totaling the heat dot using thermal sunder, it wont work, so epitaph is not recommended in this case My Gaze is build with Steadyslam + Gaze + Bashrack, you get a pretty good balance between Crit and Status build