Compilation of Tony Perkis' greatest hits from the 1995 comedy, Heavyweights. In my opinion one of Ben Stiller's finest roles :) - The best of everyone's favourite, Uncle Tony!! - Guest commentary from Lars, Fat Pat and some lil' chubby kids who performed quite well in this movie ☺ - If this video gets cancelled due to a lack of hustle, deal with it! - Ben even compliments my editing skills at the end... I think. Thanks to Ben Stiller for being so awesome, especially in his old classics. Thanks also to the creators / owners of this movie for the use of a few minutes of scenes for entertainment of Heavyweights fans worldwide! Sorry if I missed any funny parts but I just tried to include his best lines -- could basically include every single second of every scene Ben Stiller is in, he rocked this role big time! If you haven't seen this movie, do yourself a favour and go out and buy it.... Now I just gotta see if I can get it on Bluray one of these days ☺ Note: sorry if a couple of the scene had audio synching out by a fraction... I left it as is because it seemed very minor at the time :)
