The Hidden Canyon, locally known as Mawan Valley is located near the town of Ad-Dilam about an hour drive from Riyadh. This place and its surrounding area can boast of not only its stunning natural beauty but also of its archeological importance. According to Arab News ( “Archaeological missions revealed that human presence in the region dates back to the Paleolithic Age and the Upper Paleolithic Age — approximately 100,000 years ago.” Mawan, in Arabic means "a place of shelter". Recently though, Hidden Canyon, as it is popularly known among expats has been a place for family relaxation - a place of refuge from the hustle and bustle of the big city. I have seen numerous Youtube videos featuring this canyon as a place for camping and picnic, and rightfully so, because it is the perfect place for that. My only wish, for those who want to visit the canyon, please don't leave your trash behind. This place is not ours, we are only visitors here. If we want to preserve this natural beauty which has been sculpted and formed thousand years ago, let's do our part in keeping it clean 😁 In this video, we focused on the rock formation of the canyon, and wondered how thousands of years ago, this majestic stone structure was underwater - slowly forming this spectacular shape we admire today 😁 Notes: * Best time to visit is early morning or late afternoon preferably after a heavy rain if you want to see water in it. * The road is easily accessible. A small car will do just fine. Location: Music: