BLUE ASH, Ohio (WKRC) - A heartwarming meeting for two women forever connected by an organ donation happened Saturday. Chris Recker's husband, Michael, died last year. He donated his liver, which saved Lanette Meeks' life. Recker lives in Cincinnati and Lanette lives in Michigan. The Life Center set up a meeting between the women and their families. "I was all sorts (of) feelings: nervous, scared, excited, anxious," Recker said. "But when she walked through the doors ... relieved, touched, happy, and so excited to touch her liver because I feel like I have a part of my husband back." "I vowed to find out hopefully who the donor was and meet their family and try to thank them and reach out, and know that I'm just going to honor this gift with everything I have and to promote organ donation because if it wasn't for them, I wouldn't be standing here talking to you," said Meeks.