社會上不少人因為「精神病」這標籤而受到不同的對待。現為中大心理學博士生的「說書人」共同創辦人李昭明,希望透過「說書人」這平台,讓不同的人士都能認識精神健康,以及聆聽到有精神病經歷的人的故事。 「研究顯示,親身接觸是減低歧視最有效的方法,說故事就是最能夠讓人直接認識眼前這個人。」李昭明表示, 2015年成立的「說書人」,去年在中大的協助下,轉型成為社企,爭取更多資源接觸多些本來不認識精神健康的人,突破同溫層! 「精神健康並非單純個人開心與否,更加重要是整個群體的事,整個社會的事。」憑藉推廣精神健康方面的貢獻,李昭明獲得「2020年傑出學生獎 – 社會服務」。 Sometimes people get discriminated against because they are labeled as mentally ill. Currently a Ph.D. student of Department of Psychology, CUHK, Amanda Li cofounded StoryTaler to promote mental health and let people listen to the stories of people with mental illness. “Research shows that personal contact is the most effective way to reduce discrimination. Story-telling is the most direct way to get to know more about the person in front of us,” said Amanda. StoryTaler was set up in 2015. With funding support from CUHK, it became a social entrepreneur last year, with the aim of acquiring more resources to reach people who do not know much about mental health and break through that stratosphere. “Mental health is not just personal. It is a matter for the community. It is a matter for the whole of society,” said Amanda. In view of her contribution to promoting mental health, Amanda received the “2020 Outstanding Students Awards – Social Service”. #精神健康 #親身接觸去污名 #中大心理學 #傑出學生獎 #社會服務 #博文約禮 #中大人 #mentalhealth #personalcontactreducestigma #CUHKPSY #OutstandingStudentsAwards #SocialService #CUHKer #ThroughLearningandTemperancetoVirtue

CUHK中大精神健康李昭明Amanda Li說書人StoryTalermental health傑出學生獎cuhk psychology中大心理學psychology心理學chinese university of hong kongOutstanding Students Awards