Difficulty level 難度級別 2.0/5 Diamond Sutra by Charles Luk [English Zen/Chan Buddhism Sutras Audiobook Part 2A of 7] (1080P) 金剛般若波羅蜜經 Access here for non-background music videos, please scroll to the bottom of the list 以下連結擁有沒有背景音樂的純讀經片段 請滾動到列表的最下方 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFb9wBs0vR0erIXbYEYL1jgHPSRKQeu-s Please visit the reciter's video! 歡迎參觀讀經者的片段! Part 1, The Diamond Prajna-paramita Sutra https://youtu.be/NkRf7A27He4 Part 2, The Diamond Prajna-paramita Sutra https://youtu.be/6oj3tM335mU Diamond Sutra Recitation https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0w7f776wBnG0d9ne6W1ZhB_8uLudcthb This is a joint project between acalaacala and Dharmachakra Wheel of the Dharma 這是一個由兩個頻道發起的合作 Please visit the English website! 歡迎參觀相應的英語網址! http://wenshuchan-online.weebly.com/uploads/9/4/8/2/9482304/chan-and-zen-teachingpdf.pdf Source of this English Sutra 英語佛經出處 Lu, K. (1970). Chan and Zen teaching. Berkeley [Calif.]: Shambala Publications. ISBN 0-87773-009-1 白话佛经网址 http://www.buddhist.idv.tw/mynews/mynews_view_tw/26 Mahayana Buddhism Sutras (English Audiobook or Videobook) 英語佛經 (漢傳佛經) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFb9wBs0vR0erIXbYEYL1jgHPSRKQeu-s Theravada Buddhism Suttas (English Audiobook) 英語佛經 (南傳佛經) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFb9wBs0vR0cM6ES4zDyY3lknKqZJgBfj Other Chinese sutras 其他華語佛經 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFb9wBs0vR0f5QvK2DZkmvF-DbBGqhFFi Click this link to watch other Buddhism animations 按此連結有其它的佛教動畫 https://youtu.be/16XtO7T2d6g?list=PLFb9wBs0vR0c5Hx8swquAlE0s0OcRS3JY Download the latest version of the video and the portable document format (pdf) 按此下載最新的影片和可攜式文件格式 (pdf) Please request by writing your email address in the comment section. 如需要,請在留言格中留下你的電子郵件地址 This sutra is available in Chinese. Please click this link. 華語版可從以下連結進入 Please search 請瀏覽: http://www.xianmijingzang.com/ 本片段有大量注釋, 有興趣的人如果要閱讀它們, 可以把片段先行暫停, 再仔細閱讀 "Dharmachakra Wheel of the Dharma" channel and other websites 本頻道的其他網站 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzVfqUBkkrUIpqug9o_W25A http://i.youku.com/i/UMzc2ODU0MzY2NA== Any thoughts? Please feel free to write in the comment box below, we will reply to you as soon as possible. 在想什麽嗎? 盡情寫在留言格中 我們會盡快回覆

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