To set up the baseball workout athletes will need a set of Kbands, 6 Speed and Agility Cones, a partner, baseball glove, and multiple baseballs. Athletes will arrange the Speed and Agility Cones 3 wide and 2 deep in a rectangular shape. Speed and Agility Cones should be 10-12 feet apart or at a length that does not completely exhaust the athlete. After securing the Kbands athletes will align themselves at one of the back Speed and Agility Cones in a ready position. Athletes will begin the baseball drill by sprinting toward the front Speed and Agility Cone. Upon reaching this Speed and Agility Cone athletes will break down their feet, open up hips, and explosively sprint toward the Speed and Agility Cone which is diagonal to them. Upon reaching this cone athletes will break down their feet and explosively sprint toward the Speed and Agility Cone directly in front of them. Complete this process until athletes are at the final Speed and Agility Cone. Throughout this baseball workout the partner will throw random ground balls as the athlete sprints forward and the baseball drill will end by the athlete performing an over the shoulder catch. Athletes should perform 4-6 resisted repetitions of the drill from each side of the Speed and Agility Cone set up. Following resisted repetitions of the baseball workout athletes will remove the Kbands and perform 2 unresisted repetitions from each side of the cone formation. Allow 40-90 seconds of rest between sets to allow proper recovery. Go to to see more baseball specific drills to improve speed, footwork, leg drive, core strength, and rotational power.

InfieldOutfieldBaseball (Interest)shakedown drillbaseball trainingleg bandsleg resistance bandsbaseball bandsbaseball drillk bandsBaseball shakedowntrainingworkoutbaseball workoutinfield drilloutfield drill