How to Feel & Read Energy Without Meditation. Anyone can feel and sense energy, and I'm going to prove it to you right now. Hi, my name is August. I learned how to communicate with the spirit world without all the woo, and I want to show you how to do it as well. In a minute, I'm going to take you through a really quick exercise that will allow you to feel energy, and it's really simple. It's easy and straightforward. As a matter of fact, I'm sure you've already been sensing and feeling it, but now we're going to bring awareness to it. The way we feel energy is through our body, by the sensations our body delivers. It wasn't until I started paying attention to some of those sensations that I really understood what was happening in the energy around me. Let me show you what I mean. You're just going to hold out your hand and stare at the center of your palm. Just pick one spot in the center of your hand and stare at it very intensely. Don't stop. Keep going. Really focus on that spot. As you're focusing on the center of your palm, just notice any sensations you're experiencing in that spot. Maybe it feels tingly. Maybe it feels like the wind is blowing on your palm. Whatever you're experiencing, notice the sensations that are coming up for you. Alright, now that you're feeling those sensations, I want you to focus on your entire hand. Rather than that one spot, I want you to really intensely focus on your entire hand. Did those sensations spread out to your entire hand immediately? Did they change? What exactly are you feeling right now? From here, it's just a matter of expanding your focus and awareness. Focus on your entire body. Now let it expand from there to the room you're in. What sensations are you experiencing as you expand your awareness? Now when you sit and focus on these sensations long enough, you're going to start to get messages from them. You will begin communicating with your own energy and the energy around you. If you want to go even deeper, check out my free spirit communication guide.

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