In episode #121, Professor Dungeonmaster comments on a video by Ben from Questing Beast! What's the difference between Old School games and modern systems like D&D 5E & Pathfinder? PDM does a deep dive into the history of RPGs to find the answers! Questing Beast: Why unbalanced encounter are fun! Patreon: Dungeoncraft Facebook : The Secrets of Blackmoor Documentary Music: "Fury of the Dragon's Breath" by Peter Crowley Bandcamp : By Kevin Macleod: "Lightless Dawn," et al. All tracks are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

OSR v 5EOSR vs 5EOSR vs. 5EOSR vs. 5edungeon craft OSRquesting beastdungeon craft questing beast5E vs OSRdiungeoncraft osr v. 5edungeon craft osr vs. 5edungeon craft OSR v 5EOSR v pathfinderDave arnesonblackmoorold school reneaissanceold school revivialold school rpgsold school vs. new school rpgsprofessor Dungeonmaster OSRprofessor Dungeonmaster questing beast