Japanese-Style Tan Tan Noodles (Serves one person) Ingredients: minced pork 10 oz. cardamine bean sprouts 1 packet (to taste) bok choy 1 piece fresh noodles to taste minced garlic 1 tsp minced ginger 1 tsp cooking oil to taste cooking wine a little water 4 cups Seasonings: Lee Kum Kee Sesame Sauce 3 Tbsp Lee Kum Kee Premium Pure Sesame Oil 1 Tbsp Lee Kum Kee Premium Soy Sauce 2 tsp Lee Kum Kee Soup Base for Sichuan Hot & Spicy Hot Pot 1 tsp Lee Kum Kee Japanese Style Pork Bone Soup Base 2 tsp Lee Kum Kee Premium Bouillon Powder Flavored with Chicken (No MSG Added) 1 tsp Lee Kum Kee Chiu Chow Style Chili Oil (optional) to taste sugar a little mashed peanuts a few fistular onion stalks (shredded) a few Method: 5. Heat the wok until the oil gets warm, add in and stir-fry the minced pork until fragrant, put in a combination of ginger, minced garlic and some cooking wine, keep stir-frying the minced pork until dry, scoop out and set it aside. 6. Rinse cardamine bean sprouts with cool water, drain away the water, pour them into the same wok (used to stir-fry the minced pork) and stir-fry them until dry, scoop out and set them aside. 7. Combine some Lee Kum Kee Sesame Sauce, Lee Kum Kee Premium Pure Sesame Oil, Lee Kum Kee Premium Soy Sauce, Lee Kum Kee Japanese Style Pork Bone Soup Base, Lee Kum Kee Premium Bouillon Powder Flavored with Chicken (No MSG Added) as well as sugar into a well-mixed paste and set the paste aside. 8. Boil the water to cook the noodles until done, pour some water into the paste, add in the cooked noodles, stir-fried cardamine bean sprouts and minced pork, sprinkle the mashed peanuts, garnish with fistular onion stalks and serve. Tip: The combination of Lee Kum Kee Sesame Sauce and Lee Kum Kee Japanese Style Pork Bone Soup Base provides a smooth texture and a well-balance taste. Tip: For a spicy flavor, you may add some Lee Kum Kee Chiu Chow Style Chili Oil. ---------------- 日式擔擔麵 (一人份) 材料: 10安士 豬肉碎 1 包 碎米芽菜 (適量) 1顆 青江菜 適量 新鮮麵條 1茶匙 蒜碎 1茶匙 薑碎 適量 油 少許 料酒 4杯 水 醬料: 3湯匙 李錦記芝麻醬 1湯匙 李錦記純正濃香芝麻油 2茶匙 李錦記特級鮮味生抽 1茶匙 李錦記麻辣火鍋上湯 2茶匙 李錦記日式豬骨濃湯 1茶匙 李錦記特級調味雞粉(不加味精) 適量 李錦記潮州風味辣椒油 (可選) 少許 糖 少許 花生碎 少許 蔥白(切絲) 做法 1. 起鍋熱油, 炒香肉碎,放入薑,蒜碎和料酒,將肉碎炒乾,盛出俻用. 2. 碎米芽菜放涼水洗淨掠乾水,用炒肉碎的鍋把芽菜煸乾,盛出俻用. 3. 把李錦記純正濃香芝麻油,李錦記芝麻醬,李錦記特級鮮味生抽,李錦記日式豬骨濃湯,李錦記特級調味雞粉(不加味精),和糖在一起調勻俻用. 4. 開水煮麵,把煮麵的水倒入調好的醬裏,撈上麵條,拌上炒好的碎米芽菜和肉碎,撒上花生碎,鋪上蔥白絲即可. Tips: 李錦記芝麻醬和李錦記日式豬骨濃湯的混合使用,口感綿軟,香氣濃而不膩。 Tips: 喜辣者可放點李錦記潮州風味辣椒油,味道更刺激!
