中国成语故事 Chinese idiom Story 03《田忌赛马》 “Tian Ji’s horse race” 哈喽大家好!欢迎来到我的频道。今天要和大家分享的中国成语故事是《田忌赛马》。 相传在战国时期的齐国,有一位名叫田忌的齐国将军,他非常喜欢赛马,并且拥有很多优良的马匹。他经常与齐王等人比赛,并且下很大的赌注,结果一直惨败。但是他总是输不起,因为他觉得自己的马匹不比别人差。 有一天,田忌收留了一个曾受过膑刑和黥刑的人,膑刑就是砍掉你的双脚,而黥刑就是在你脸上刺字,这两种都是中国古代的酷刑之一,虽然黥刑在这些酷刑当中算是比较轻了,但是对古人来说,在脸上或额头上刺字是对他的一种耻辱。 这人就是中国古代著名军事家、兵家代表人物之一的孙膑。孙膑擅长兵法和谋略,是一个非常聪明而博学的人,著有《孙膑兵法》一书。他就向田忌提出了一个建议:如果你想在赛马中胜过齐王等人,你必须用一种特殊的方法来安排你的马匹。 孙膑让田忌将他的马分为上、中、下三等。然后用下等马对上等马,然后用上等马对中等马,最后用中等马对下等马,利用这个方式就可以取得优势。田忌听了孙膑建议后,觉得很有道理,于是就按照孙膑所说的方法来安排自己的马匹,并且与齐王用千金来赌注。 到了比赛当天,田忌按照孙膑的方法来比赛,在第一场中,田忌派上他最弱的马对上齐王最强的马,然后由齐王胜利,这时的齐王开始得意起来,以为自己又会赢得赌注。但是好戏在后头,接着很快的就到了第二场比赛,这一次,田忌派上他最强的马对上齐王中等的马,结果当然是田忌的上等马轻松碾压齐王的中等马,目前的比分来到了一比一,这时齐王开始有点紧张了,但是还不等他缓过劲,第三场的比赛就来了,这一次田忌派上他的中等马对上齐王最弱的下等马,结果险胜以二比一的比分赢得比赛和赌注。 以上就是《田忌赛马》的典故由来,意思是指以弱胜强,巧妙地利用自己与对手之间的优劣势来取得胜利。这个故事告诉我们,做人一定要像孙膑一样,灵活变通,不要一直死脑筋,把危机变为转机,将看似一面倒的情况转变得有利于自己。 好啦,今天的故事就分享到这里,拜咯。 Hello everyone! Welcome to my channel. Today I want to share with you a Chinese idiom story called "Tian Ji’s horse race " In the ancient Chinese kingdom of Qi during the Warring States period, there was a general named Tian Ji who loved horse racing and believed his horses were the best. He often competed with the Qi King and others, betting heavily on the races, but always ended up losing. Tian Ji couldn't bear to lose because he believed his horses were just as good as anyone else's. One day, Tian Ji took in a person who had undergone punishment by having both feet chopped off and having characters tattooed on his face, which were forms of cruel torture in ancient China. Although tattooing was considered a relatively light punishment among these tortures, for ancient people, having characters tattooed on their faces or foreheads was a great shame. This person was Sun Bin, a famous military strategist and representative of the military strategists in ancient China. He was very intelligent and knowledgeable, and wrote a book called "Sun Bin's Art of War".Sun Bin suggested to Tian Ji that if he wanted to win the horse races against the Qi King and others, he must use a special strategy to arrange his horses. Sun Bin advised Tian Ji to divide his horses into three categories: superior, average, and inferior. Then he suggested that the inferior horses should race against the superior ones, the superior ones should race against the average ones, and finally the average ones should race against the inferior ones. Tian Ji followed Sun Bin's advice and bet a large sum of money against the Qi King and others. On the day of the race, Tian Ji followed Sun Bin's strategy and in the first round,he sent out his weakest horse to compete against Qi's strongest horse, resulting in a victory for the Qi army. Qi King became overconfident, thinking that he had the race in the bag. However, in the second round,Tian Ji sent out his strongest horse to compete against Qi's middle-ranked horse, easily winning the match. The score was now tied at 1-1and Qi King started to feel a bit nervous. But before he could even catch his breath, the third round came. This time, Tian Ji sent out his middle-ranked horse to compete against Qi's weakest horse, narrowly winning the match with a score of 2-1 and taking home the victory and the bet. The story of "Tian Ji’s horse race" refers to winning by using weaker forces to defeat stronger ones and skillfully leveraging the advantages and disadvantages between oneself and the opponent.The lesson of this story is to be adaptable like Sun Bin, and not to always stick to one way of doing things. It illustrates how one can turn a difficult situation into a favorable one, j ust as Tian Ji did with Sun Bin's tactics. Well, that's it for today, bye.